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White Tree

Our Platform 

Waterloo United 

Housing Advocacy

Advocate for improved and affordable housing options for students. Collaborate with the university to address housing challenges and explore innovative solutions

Funding for WUSA and Student-Run Campus Life

Aggressively pursue increased funding for WUSA to empower student-led initiatives. Strengthen financial support for student-run campus life activities to enhance the student experience.

WUSA Involvement in Orientation

Increase WUSA's involvement in orientation activities to better connect with incoming students. Facilitate a smooth transition for new students by actively engaging with them during orientation.

Senate Collaboration

Establish new official communication lines with the Senate for improved collaboration. Advocate for stronger unity and alignment between student senators and WUSA

Presidential Fund and Financial Sustainability

Create the Presidential Fund to support key initiatives and address pressing student needs. Ensure financial sustainability by balancing operations and meeting student expectations.

Advocacy (External)

Advocate for a positive international student experience, focusing on support services and integration. Prioritize place-making and a sense of belonging to enhance the overall campus environment. Address food security and contribute to community development initiatives.

Protecting Student Voices

Ensure transparent decision-making processes regarding student fees and priorities. Establish two-way communication channels for ongoing dialogue between students and WUSA..

Student Life Enhancement

Reform WUSA Clubs to streamline processes and eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy. Cut red tape, reduce event approval/reimbursement wait times, and increase funding for WUSA clubs. Launch an investigation into the organization's service delivery to identify and address shortcomings.

Campus Development and Services

Work towards restoring The Bombshelter Pub as a vibrant campus hub. Explore new food areas and businesses to enhance campus amenities. Secure full access to UW Flow for students.

Provincial Lobbying Strategies

Develop and implement robust provincial lobbying strategies to address student concerns at a higher level.

Affordability and Student Support:

​Ensure the affordability of the University of Waterloo and WUSA by advocating for accessible education. Develop operational businesses to offset student fees and support ongoing operations. Support the new student ombuds office to help students navigate university systems effectively.

Advocacy (Internal)

Develop an inclusive University Master Plan that considers diverse student needs. Invest in mental health and wellness resources for a healthier and more supportive campus. Strengthen community belonging through targeted investments.




Foster a better understanding of WUSA through the creation of a WUSA Discord platform. Advocate for increased OSAP funding and support systems to address students' financial needs. Together, let's build a stronger, more transparent, and student-centered WUSA 

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